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1. Unplug unit. 2. Remove the tank and empty all water from unit base and tank. 4. Use ONLY the enclosed cleaning brush to gently clean disk and remove build Use and Care Manual · 1. Always unplug the unit before servicing in any way. GENERAL CLEANING · 2. Water tank. Empty water tank. Remove mist spout and clean with 1. Unplug unit. · 2. Remove the tank and empty all water from unit base and tank. · 3. Locate the ultrasonic disk on the inside center of the base unit. (see pg. Take a soft brush and scrub the film on the surface of reservoir and tank. You can also use a toothbrush if there are any stains or scales due to hard water.People also askFeb 13, 2016 — How to Keep a Humidifier Clean · Use distilled or demineralized water- this water has a much lower mineral content compared to tap water. · Change A: AnswerThe unit will need to be cleaned once a week to every two weeks with 100% white vinegar and the provided cleaning brush. We do not recommend using any 2. Clean Wash spray cap, spray spout and water tank lid with mild dish soap. In the base, soak the ultrasonic disk using 1 tsp white vinegar and 1 tsp water PureGuardian H4810 H4810 120 Hour Ultrasonic 2 Gal Warm and Cool Mist Humidifier H4810301754346 download pdf instruction manual and user guide. Instructions for cleaning your humidifier: Wash the spray cap, spray spout and water tank lid (the lid on the bottom of the blue tank) with a mild
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