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Diane France's LAB MANUAL AND WORKBOOK FOR PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 8th Edition, balances the study of genetics, human osteology, and human variation andDiane France's LAB MANUAL AND WORKBOOK FOR PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 8th Edition, balances the study of genetics, human osteology, and human variation and forensic This lab manual offers the most even coverage of sub-fields in the introduction to biological anthropology course, giving instructors more flexibility in Manual for Physical Anthropology Lab course. Covers human genetics, early primate and hominid evolution, origins of culture, and relationships between With hands-on lab assignments that help you apply physical anthropology perspectives and techniques to real situations, this lab manual walks you through Exploring Physical Anthropology: Lab Manual and Workbook, 4e online. Adopt or customize this digital interactive textbook into your course for free or varying degrees of experience in anthropology learn the key information about human biology and evolution, and. (3) we wanted the lab manual to be simple Introduction to Biological Anthropology Lab Manual online. Adopt or customize this digital interactive textbook into your course for free or low-cost. The #1 manual for biological anthropology, Soluri/Agarwal has become even more visual and hands-on in its Second Edition. New interactive exercises that The Explorations Biological Anthropology Lab Manual includes 1-4 labs/activities for each of the sixteen chapters and three appendices in Explorations.
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