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Preparation of a Dairy Farm Project Proposal. You are visitor number. Please post your comments and suggestions here. Disclaimer : The information on thisGovardhan Dairy Farm. Total Project Cost. S.No. Particulars. Amount. 1 Cost of Buffellows. 0. 5,60,000. Type - Murrah. Nubmber of Bufellows- 7. The anticipated Dairy Farming and Milk Processing Project” is initiated and owned by Mr. Zinabu Beka Ture. Mr. Zinabu was engaged with various businesses. The annual milk production in Tanzania is currently estimated at 1,150 million is a part of the Millenium Cities Initiative, an international project. Anakkara Dairy Project. Project proposal. A pilot study on commercialising indigenous dairy for sustainable agriculture and agritourism. The project 'Asha Dairy Farm' on an average will produce 300-350 liters of milk per day. The direct sale of this milk to local market would generate Rs. 8000 to 349660312 Project Proposal on Dairy Farm - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. report. SECTION 2222Project Proposal on Dairy Farm 1. Background 1.1 Name of farmer Name: Municipality/Village: The Dairy Project aims to foster sustainable increase in dairy and livestock productivity through adoption of best dairy farming practices breed improvement,
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