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PDF Télécharger [PDF] English Vocabulary in Use 5000 most common english words with meaning most common words and phrases that learners of English need to top 200 vocabulary words week 6 conventional - (adj) based on or in ambiguous - (adj) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning. 2,265 MOST FREQUENT WORDS IN SPOKEN ENGLISH in order of usage, and with parts of speech the. 9243. (definite article, adverb) and. 5196. (conjunction). Ressembler, cela ressemble à From my perspective. De mon point de vue. In my experience. D'après mon expérience. Other Linking Words. Additionally. Whenever possible, one-word definitions are used. Although this makes a definition less precise, it also makes it easier to remember. Many common words appear30 amazing vocabulary words ; 7, Twisted, Zigzag ; 8, Shimmering, Radiant, Sparkling ; 9, Astonishing, Unbelievable ; 10, Wrathful, Furious. The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or American English. The meaning of
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