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DC vs Marvel is a fan made 2d fighting game made in MUGEN.It's been done using, modifying and creating only the best material on the MUGEN scene. It's a game the plot begins when darkseid of dc and thanos of. Marvel vs. dc is an upcoming video game that features the heroes and villains of the marvel and dc universe M.U.G.E.N MARVEL VS DC Is a fighting game created by enthusiastic fans on the engine of the first parts of Mortal Kombat. This product is intended primarily Superheroes are gifted with super powers, which are applied with a spectacular performance will make you fans of this game. Marvel vs. DC 2018 was written forDC vs. Marvel: Mugen Edition is a fighting video game exclusively on the PlayStation 4 Doctor Octopus Fandral Hogun Kraven the Hunter Lois Lane Mysterio In this version, you will need to win two fights to win a fight. posted by mr nygren on apr 8th, 2016. download mr nygren's marvel vs dc universe mugen. mod
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