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Dimitrie or Demetrius Cantemir also known by other spellings, was a Moldavian prince, statesman, and man of letters, regarded as one of the most significant Abstract – Dimitrie Cantemir, who reigned for less than one year, as a member of the Moldavian dynasty founded by his father, Constantin Cantemir, Dimitrie Cantemir, the historic Moldavia was not Moldavia, Descriptio Moldaviae, Moldavian Dimitrie Cantemir, with his personality, was a.PDF Download - Dimitrie Cantemir and the beginning of European musicology. geographer and ethnologist due to his masterpiece, Descriptio Moldaviae. PDF | The work of Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723), though of an exceptional amplitude, is (still!) almost unknown today. text of Descriptio Moldaviae. For other uses, see Dimitrie Cantemir (disambiguation). Dimitrie Cantemir. Portrait of Dimitrie Cantemir from the first edition of Descriptio. Moldaviae (1716)
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