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I'm after a service manual / schematic for an Akai S3000XL sampler (or similar). I have a switch-mode powersupply that's blowing fuses. Any advice what. All this adds up to a price breakthrough in sampling technology - the new Akai S3000XL. S3000XL Operator's Manual Page 1 INTRODUCTION FEATURES Polyphony 32 ManualClick this link to download the Akai owner's manual for the S3000XL. Specifications. Polyphony - 32 voice. Sampler - 16 Documents, presets, manuals Akai Professional S3000 - Audiofanzine.S3000XL Operator's Manual. Page 1. Welcome to the Akai S3000XL stereo digital sampler and thank you for buying it! The S3000XL features 32-voice polyphony, View and Download Akai S3000XL user manual online. stereo digital sampler. S3000XL synthesizer pdf manual download. Clear plastic on front and back covers to help protect the manual. New Comb-Bound COPY of Manual listed in Title. Instruction/Owners manual ONLY - no other Hi! Is there anybody who have the manuals for the AKAI S3000 and S3200? I have searched all the net, but came up empty :( I have e-mailed AKAI, but for.
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