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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Star Wars: Millennium Falcon: Owners' Workshop Manual [Haynes Manual] at the best online Millennium Falcon Star Wars Owner's Workshop Manual by Ryder Windham (Hardcover) · Brand new. $16.99 · Pre-owned. $6.78 · Make an offer: Brand New. Star Wars Millennium Falcon: Owner's Workshop Manual [Windham, Ryder, Reiff, Chris, Trevas, Chris] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Star Wars Millennium Falcon Owners' Workshop Manual As a franchise, Star Wars abounds with iconic spaceship designs, like the Imperial Star Destroyer or The Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual is a Star Wars Legends reference book in the style of Haynes Manuals. The book covers the operational history This is a Haynes Manual based on the YT-1300 Corellian Freighter, the best-known variant of which is the Millennium Falcon, the iconic spaceship appearing in Everything you need to know about Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual including where it falls in the Star Wars timeline, publishing information,
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