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writing instructions year 1 powerpoint
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How to write instructions – 8 of the best instructional writing worksheets and resources for KS1 and KS2 · 1 | Y2 Rules of the Game writing pack · 2 | How to Each of these five instructions KS1 lessons introduces your children to a new character who guides them through following instructions, features of instructions A set of writing frames for children to write instructions. Including 'How to cross the road safely', 'How to brush your teeth', 'How to make a deliciousWhat are some tips for writing instructions? · Begin your sentences with a verb. · Only give one instruction per sentence to keep things clear. · Make sure to use Instruction writing is vital, and teaches children to think carefully and literally. Read our blog to find out how instruction writing lessons can be fun. Teach your class about clear & accurate writing techniques with these Year 1 instruction text examples. Includes word cards, text examples & a PowerPoint.
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