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The main objective of these weekly sessions is to: 1. Bring about an all-round development of the personality of children during their formative years. 2. Enable them to achieve success and balance as they grow up and face challenges of life. In Indian Culture Why Do We 3.67 (66 ratings by Goodreads) Paperback By (author) Chinmaya Mission List price: US$12.26 Currently unavailable We can notify you when this item is back in stock Add to wishlist AbeBooks may have this title (opens in new window). Try AbeBooks Product details Format Paperback Publication date 30 Jan 2010 funding will be managed, we are now wonderstruck. Recently at a Chinmaya Mission World Workers Conference held at Chinmaya Vibhooti, after listening to a presentation on Project CIF, Chinmaya Mission West (CMW) made an offering that was heart warming. CMW announced that whatever funds CIF collects for the project, they would match rupee for rupee. Chinmaya Mission works to epitomize Vedic knowledge for everyone, of all ages. The goal is to provide to individuals, from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means of spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society. Chinmaya Jyoti was filled with a festive atmosphere and we had many families The Master Speaks: An intelligent choice of thoughts changes the character pattern in us, placing thus the entire destiny of our life in our own hands. Swami Chinmayananda IN THIS ISSUE It is an important observance for Chinmaya Mission members worldwide. This year, Guru Pūrṇimāfell on July 3rd, and many CMSD members and their families gathered in the evening at Chinmaya Nivas to attend the Guru Pādukā Pūjā, which was followed by āratiand prasāda. In fact, we all know from our personal experiences that mere hearing - or poor listening - can very well result in: • Frustration • Indifference • Misunderstandings • Misleading judgments • Embarrassment • Poor human relations and • Many other psychological blocks and maladjustments. Yes, listening has become almost a forgotten skill. Chinmaya Mission's training program is no ordinary course of study. It is a 24/7 commitment of body, mind and soul to an immersive spiritual adventure. We were dispatched to our assigned buildings: unmarried men in Vivekalaya and unmar-ried women in Yashodalaya. Householders and older participants were called "guest students" and We will be updating the new schedule soon Chinmaya Swaranjali Every Saturday at 4:30pm. Please check the front desk for more details DHWANI MUSIC CLASSES "Music is an ornamentation of Silence and should be used by seekers to experience the silence within, in our quest towards Oneness with our Divine Self." -Swami Chinmayananda Chinmaya Mission My Prayers is a compilation of important prayers, their meanings for most of it and many bhajans allowing us to chant and sing to our heart's content. Illustrated colourfully to captivate the mind of children. And, if that's not enough, inside is an MP3 CD with the audio rendition of the prayers and bhajans of the book. CHINMAYA MISSION CENTERS IN NORTH AMERICA chinmayamission.org Mission Statement To provide to individuals, from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta, and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society. D esire is at the root of all action, good or evil. In our culture we follow, a large number of customs and traditio
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