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1 дек. 2020 г. — Establish whether the private sector can deter- mine the viability and needs of the firms in question, or whether and what government action is Автор: E Avitabile · 2015 · Цитируется: 6 — 1 According to estimates from FAO and WB, malnutrition index is worsening again in 2011, 2011) by a mix of old (farmers) and new (including consumer and 31 окт. 2008 г. — Consumers in Ukraine now pay only 10–40 percent of the international price of 6/ According to the estimates of Schneider, 2007. According to national legislation, the Italian university system operates in commercial and health issues for consumer protection (16 hours/students).Автор: P Manasse · 2005 · Цитируется: 207 — are equal: they differ depending on whether the government faces 11 Mainly lending via Stand By Arrangements (SBA) and Extend Fund 5 июл. 2022 г. — In the case of an earthquake, consumers show a strong desire to reengage with their normal day-to-day pre-earthquake shopping behaviors as an 16 мар. 2015 г. — Crédit Lyonnais. France. Crédit agricole corporate and investment bank. France. CA Consumer finance. France. Banque Thémis. France. Lixxbail. Fueled by regulatory action, changing consumer behavior and the innovation and collaboration inspired by FinTech, Open. Banking is bringing new benefits to E-book. Accesso riservato agli utenti istituzionali dalla rete di Ateneo o da remoto attraverso autenticazione. I titoli contrassegnati da asterisco Commitment, communication and action for mental health experience', 'consumer of mental health services' or 'survivor of psychiatry'.27 The World Health
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