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24 Oct 2013 — Dumbing Us Down is series of speeches Gatto gave so while there is some progression there is not really one coherent argument being made. It is one of the most fascinating and shocking books I've ever read in my life. The amount of historical detail and research that went into writing this book is John Taylor Gatto's Weapons of Mass Instruction focuses on mechanisms of traditional education which cripple imagination, discourage critical thinking, 1 Mar 2016 — In my opinion, Weapons of Mass Instruction is probably his best yet. While I loved his last book, Underground History of American Education, Weapons of Mass Instruction is a hard-hitting critique of the mechanisms of compulsory schooling which cripple imagination and discourage critical thinking. In 13 Nov 2020 — Weapons of Mass Instruction adds another chilling metaphor to the brief against conventional schooling. Gatto demonstrates that the harm school Weapons of Mass Instruction is hard-hitting and does Undoubtedly Gatto's best work thus far! PREPARE TO CHANGE YOUR PARADIGM. This book is an excellent treatise A book that will whip up your enthusiasm for homeschooling when you're down, or provides a high-energy case for those considering homeschooling, Gatto examinesBy: John Taylor Gatto 5 July 2022 — In Weapons of Mass Instruction, he speaks movingly to readers deepest desires for an education that taps their talents and frees frustrated
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