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This handbook is intended to be a guide on the policies and procedures of the Virginia Tech – Wake Forest. University School of Biomedical Engineering Masters and PhD programs are offered in the following Disciplines: Electrical Engineering (Primarily Communications). Computer Engineering. Computer Science. This brochure serves as an academic guide to our students in the graduate programs in electrical and computer engineering. Contained herein are details At almost any given time, I have several funded PhD positions in my lab. the ECE admission requirements at ece.vt.edu/grad/manual/page3.html. Feb 7, 2013 — Quoting from the VT ECE Graduate Student Policy Manual: "The Preliminary Examination is normally taken near the end of Ph.D. course work.D. program (within the guidelines of the department), assesses the student's progress, and conducts the examinations (dissertation proposal and final oral) Puneet Sharma (former PhD student) elected to AIMBE Fellow! at Purdue ECE · Thinh Doan: Assistant Prof at Virginia Tech ECE · Carolyn Beck's home page ECE. Prof. B. Ravindran. D. PhD. F09. Students SP'09 – F'10 - SP'10 – F'11. VT-MENA Program: Info Session: 9. Student Name. Inst. Dep. Supervisor. University of Vermont Electrical Engineering. Graduate Degree Programs. The guidelines in this handbook are applicable for all students beginning their. For information about admissions, new student information, our degree programs and more, check out the ECE Graduate Student Policy Manual.
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