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Vswr lab manual pdf








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Lab 03 - Measurement of VSWR - Signed - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. measurement of vswr. APPARATUS Klystron power supply, Klystron tube, Isolator, Variable attenuator, Detector mount, Wave guide stand, VSWR meter and BNC cable. SET UP FOR REFLEX The correct equation for return loss is: Here are the equations that convert between VSWR, reflection coefficient and return loss: EXPERIMENT NO.1. To make the students to design, experiment, analyze, interpret in the position of variable attenuator and gain control knob of VSWR meter. CO2: Measure the Frequency, Wavelength, VSWR and impedance of a microwave signal and load. CO3: Analyze the radiation pattern characteristics of horn antenna MICROWAVE EXPERIMENTS. 1. Reflex klystron or Gunn diode characteristics and basic microwave parameter measurement such as VSWR, frequency, wavelength.COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LAB. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS. Cycle. 1. Gunn Diode Characteristics. 2. Reflex Klystron Mode Characteristics. 3. Measurement of VSWR. Should take only the lab manual, calculator (if needed) and a pen or pencil to the work area. • Should learn the prelab Experiments. Read through the lab

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