Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
The security code in my Volkslogger is A21, and when downloading flights the file is shown as xxxA21jx.igc 0-9, Month 1-C, day 1-W (31 Dec 2009 = 9CW) ILEC SN10 User Manual 1 What is the ILEC SN10 / SN10B flight computer? Bugs 0% - The percent degradation of your max L/D is 0% (no bugs or rain).Volkslogger 1.0 (Hardware 3.4). 1RA. Serial No.: Date of test: Barometric chamber elevated to 35,000 feet and Volkslogger data Volkslogger manual. A Yellow triangle is shown for parts of the manual which should be read final glide indicator on 0 to arrive at the safety altitude (setup one of the In this part I am continuing a review of the available flight recorders with an evaluation of the the Garrecht Volkslogger and the Cambridge GPS/NAV system. This chapter is in no way meant to be a substitute for studying the complete manual but it essentially describes the steps necessary to record a free flight,
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