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MAP data gives you information by strands so that you can identify student strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you are an English teacher the results Reviews individual MAP data and provides targeted instruction to small groups with similar knowledge gaps. Modifies individual playlists for students, providing Keeping students engaged and motivated; Monitoring skill-by-skill performance; Creating student groups and targeted assignments; Using the Knowledge Map toUse the comparative data in the tables below as one of your data points for instructional decision-making. While not intended for use as a single placement How will the school use the information from this assessment? Page 7. Where can parents go to get more information? With MAP Growth, you can assess students in a variety of subjects and in both English and Spanish. You can even predict state test scores. Ready to learn more? This resource has been designed as a step-by-step tool for educators interested in ways to use data to inform their instructional practice. Using MAP Data to Inform Instruction and Facilitate Student Goal Sett… · earnperhit.com/essay => Professional academic writing lucky-bet.site => Bet on
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