Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
by UkuleleScales.com 7 Must-Know Ukulele Scales in G-Tuning (DGBE) Table of contents 1. MAJOR SCALES 3 A Major (3), Bb Major (4), B Major (5), C Major (6), Db Major (7), D Major (8), Eb Major (9), E Major (10), F Major (11), Gb Major (12), G Major (13), Ab Major (14), 2. STRINGS 1 - A (highest pitch) 2 - E 3 - C 4 - G (lowest pitch) USING YOUR TUNER GOAL: ACTIVATE THE MIDDLE LIGHT (usually green, sometimes red) If the string is off pitch, it will activate the light either to the left or right. LEFT - the string is flat, or slightly under pitch. Slowly TIGHTEN the string. This booklet also lists moveable patterns for playing eleven different scales, because as with chords, these patterns repeat on the fretboard, and these patterns exist on each of the four strings. The numbers in the fields indicate the playing order. Forms, Functions, Scales This booklet consists of three tables: • chord patterns ordered by form Download a free PDF of blues scales on every root for the ukulele. The scales are provided in tablature and standard notation. Scale Degree Version - In the second, smaller diagram, yellow dots highlight the same note locations, but show the scale degrees. The scale degree is how the note is related to the root (the name of the key and scale). A C Major scale goes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C D E F G A B C is the 1st degree - or "1" - since it's the root. D is the 2nd degree - or "2".
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