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(B) Fee calculation. The fees shall be calculated according to the calculation methodology fee set forth in the WRCOG TUMF Fee Calculation Handbook adopted Prepared by. WSP. Revised: June 3, 2019. Page 2. WRCOG. TUMF Fee Calculation Handbook i. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1.0. Introduction and Purpose . The online fee calculator tool allows stakeholders to input project-specific information and receive fee obligation estimates for development projects. The City Council shall adopt an applicable TUMF schedule through a separate In addition to data in the Fee Calculation Handbook, WRCOG Staff may The Development Impact Fee program is administered by the Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) - The Transportation UniformThe fees shall be calculated according to the fee schedule set forth in this chapter and the calculation methodology set forth in the Fee Calculation Handbook 2.0 STANDARD FEE CALCULATIONS Fees associated with new residential development are to be calculated based on the prescribed TUMF rate and the total number of The TUMF handbook provides a detailed description of each TUMF category and an in-depth methodology for calculating the respective fee obligation. Fee Calculation. The fees shall be calculated according to the calculation methodology fee set forth in the WRCOG TUMF Fee. Calculation Handbook adopted
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