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TTL ICs are usually distinguished by numerical designations such as the 5400 and 7400 series. The former has wide operating temperature range and is suitable for military use and the latter has a narrower temperature range and is suitable for industrial use only. TTL SSI ICs such as 7404, 7400 etc are available in the market.. The TTL logic family uses bipolar transistors to perform logic functions and CMOS uses field effect transistors. CMOS generally consumes much less power, despite being more sensitive than TTL. CMOS and TTL are not really interchangeable, and with the availability of low power CMOS chips, TTL use in modern designs is rare. The first and second states are the normal operation of TTL. In the third state, both the transistors Q 3 and Q 4 are turned OFF, which results in neither LOW nor HIGH output. Advantages High-speed operation. The propagation delay is around 10 ms, which is fast compared to DTL and RTL logic devices. Less power dissipation compared to DTL and RTL. In the earlier section on NAND gates, this type of gate was created by taking an AND gate and increasing its complexity by adding an inverter (NOT gate) to the output. However, when we examine this circuit, we see that the NAND function is actually the simplest, most natural mode of operation for this TTL design. Figure 1 shows the simplified circuit of a TTL device with diode inputs, such as are used with devices in the SN74LS (low-power Schottky TTL) logic family. However, the following comments apply to all other bipolar logic families. D1 D2 R1 Input VCC Figure 1. Input Circuit of a Bipolar Device TTL stands for Transistor Transistor Logic. • The basic TTL logic circuit is NAND gate. It uses BJTs internally. • Binary value of logic 1 is represented by 2.4 V (between 2.4V and Vcc ( usually 5V), must be more than 2V ) and logic 0 is represented by 0.4 V (between 0V and 0.8V, must be less than 0.8V) . Advantages of TTL TTL (Transistor - Transistor Logic) CIRCUIT | Digital Logic Families | TECH GURUKUL By Dinesh AryaCheck out my Amazon Storeamazon.in/shop/techgur Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL) nIf all inputs are high, the transistor saturates and V OUTgoes low. nIf any input goes low, the base current is diverted out through the input diode. The transistor cuts off and V OUTgoes high. nThis is a NAND gate. nThe gate works marginally because V D= V BEA= 0.7V. Improved gate with reversed diodes. V A V B V OUT transistor-to-transistor logic (TTL): Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is a digital logic design in which bipolar transistor s act on direct-current pulses. Many TTL logic gate s are typically fabricated onto a single integrated circuit (IC). TTL ICs usually have four-digit numbers beginning with 74 or 54. Transistor-transistor logic ( TTL) is a logic family built from bipolar junction transistors. Its name signifies that transistors perform both the logic function (the first "transistor") and the amplifying function (the second "transistor"), as opposed to resistor-transistor logic (RTL) or diode-transistor logic (DTL). Characteristics W.T. Yeung, W.Y. Leung, and R.T. Howe UC Berkeley EE 105 Fall 2005 1.0 Objective In this lab, you will determine the IC - VCE characteristics of a BJT in several regions of operation. The large signal parameters will be determined experimentally. You will then derive the large signal model for the BJT in each region of operation. View nanopdf.com_ttl-and-cmos-characteristics.pdf from COMPUTER E 201 at Un
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