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Pop into the racing, chasing game where everyone's in Trouble! Set up your pegs and then hit the Pop-O-Matic die roller. Depending on what you roll, you can move your pegs to the Start space, move your pegs forward - or watch other players move while you can't! Learn the rules to the board game Trouble quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.Don't own the game?Buy it here Trouble game rules warp Showing 1-10 of 73 answers. According to the INSTRUCTIONS: Warp - If you land on a Warp space by exact count, you must move your peg to the base of the warp path on the opposite side of the board. XX If you land on Double Trouble space by exact count, you take another turn! Per Trouble game rules, to win the game, you must be the first player to move all your pieces into the your Finish. You must roll an exact number to move your pieces into an empty "Finish" spot. If you roll a higher number than you can move (and you have no other pieces you can move), then your turn is over and your piece does not move. Separate the top and the bottom halves of the loom (simply slide the top part off of the bottom part). Use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to pull the metal sleeves out of the loom's copper sidebars. Remove the old clips (if there were already wooden clips on the loom). Slide the new wooden clips onto the copper sidebars. I'm trying to use the perspective warp tool to render an image for work and when I set the border of the image I want to render, then hit enter to start warping, it disappears completely. This is extremely frustrating because I need to see the render in order to know if it looks good or not. Find a full list of rules and instructions for all your favorite Hasbro toys and board games today! US - English. Product Instructions. Enter a product name, description, or keyword to find instructions. OR
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