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Term Structure Modeling Using Exponential Splines Oldrich A. Vasicek, H. Fong Economics 1982 TERM STRUCTURE OF interest rates provides a characterization of interest rates as a function of maturity. It facilitates the analysis of rates and yields such as discussed in Dobson, Sutch, and… 444 polynomial spline method and the exponential spline method. McCulloch [1971, 19751 introduces the method of fitting by polynomial spline a discount function that produces a continuous term structure of spot rates. Although McCulloch's discount function is cubic, the model itself is linear in the discount function, so that an Term Structure Modeling Using Exponential Splines Oldrich A. Vasicek, H. Fong Economics 1982 TERM STRUCTURE OF interest rates provides a characterization of interest rates as a function of maturity. It facilitates the analysis of rates and yields such as discussed in Dobson, Sutch, and… 444 This study investigates the profitability of trading strategies based on yield curve arbitrage opportunities in international fixed-income markets. For constructing the yield curve, this paper adopts threeand four-factor Nelson-Siegel models, cubic B-splines, and kernel smoothing methods as candidate models, and evaluates the model fit by their ability of identifying the mispricing of the In this article a new methodology for estimating the term structure of interest rates is developed. Using polynomial splines, a reliable approximation to term structure may depend crucially upon Tension splines are proposed as a flexible tool for interest rate term structure estimation to circumvent some difficulties arising with the ordinary … Search term. Advanced Search Citation Search. Search term. Advanced The Journal of Finance. Volume 37, Issue 2 p. 339-348. Bond Market. Term Structure Modeling Using Exponential Splines. OLDRICH A. VASICEK, Search for more papers by this author. H. GIFFORD FONG, Gifford Fong Associates PDF. Tools. Request permission; Export citation with the purpose of fitting and forecasting the term structure of interest rates. As expected, I find that using more flexible models leads to a better in-sample fit of the term structure. However, I show that the out-of-sample predictability improves as well. The four-factor model, which adds a second slope factor to the three-factor Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): links.jstor.org/sici?si (external link) This paper introduces a parametrically parsimonious model for yield curves that has the ability to represent the shapes generally associated with yield curves: monotonic, humped, and S-shaped. The authors find that the model explains 96 percent of the variation in bill yields across maturities during the period 1981-83. Static and dynamic term structure model of interest rates are studied according to the need for using. As for the static model, exponential splines model is studied and every cash flow of the Static and dynamic term structure model of interest rates are studied according to the need for using. As for the static model, exponential splines model is studied and every cash flow of the Term Structure Modeling Using Exponential Splines Oldrich A. Vasicek, H. Fong Economics 1982 TERM STRUCTURE OF interest rates provides a characterization of interest rates as a function of mat
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