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Should your lens nevertheless develop a fault, the Tamron Service Department is available to assist you. If you have a problem with your Tamron lens that The support directory contains information about Instruction Manuals, Tap-in Console, Silkypix, and links to the support pages for photographic lenses and If you find mildew on your lens, consult an authorized repair shop or nearby photographic store. • Do not touch the lens-camera interface contacts since dust, A large collection of PDF manuals of various Tamron lenses can be downloaded for free from the international Tamron website: tamron.com/support Hi, I would be happy with any repair manuals for any type of quite similar manual zoom lens from around the era of the 1970-80'ies. There must Do not dissemble, repair, or modify the lens. This could damage the lens or camera. • Keep the lens out of the reach of small children. There is a risk
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