Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
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I'm Afraid I'll Faint. Most donors feel fine after donating blood, but if you do feel faint or fatigued, simply lie down until you feel better. It might help Feeling faint ; eat your normal, regular meals; avoid hot rooms and hot showers/baths ; lie down and raise your legs if you can. get up slowly when you feel well You might feel faint, nauseous, or light-headed or, in some cases, lose consciousness. Our team are there to help you out, so let them know straight away if Fainting or a feeling of faintness or dizziness can be caused by a drop in blood pressure. Always make sure you are healthy, rested and have eaten before you The most likely reason you felt sick to your stomach when you had your blood drawn is that your body was having a vasovagal reaction. This is a physicalSymptoms such as anxiety, sweating and nausea are “pre-faint” signs and staff are trained to help. They may apply a cold compress to your forehead,
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