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Good. Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur [Jane Yolen] USED Paperback. Author: Yolen, Jane. Sword Of The Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur. Condition: Used: Good. Sku: 0152025332-3-25023356. Gulf Coast Books presents. Qty Available: 1. Reprint. number of pages: 384 Pages. Sword of the Rightful King is an Arthurian tale. The characters' names should be very familiar to people who have read other tales. The story mostly follows Gawaine, Morgause, Merlinnus, and Gawen instead of Arthur as many retellings of the Sword in the Stone do. But this isn't a normal retelling of the story. Yet, the boy still sat in the bush and watched. And was shocked to the core. The girl, with her soft and tender arms, managed the impossible. Steel screeching on steel, she pulled out the sword from the anvil. The sword. The sword in the stone. "Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born." Amazon.in - Buy Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur book online at best prices in India on Amazon.in. Read Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur book reviews & author details and more at Amazon.in. Free delivery on qualified orders. The legend of Camelot is revisited in this boldly imagined tale of the early days of King Arthur's court. Includes an interview with the award-winning and acclaimed author. Book Synopsis The newly crowned King Arthur is unsure of himself; worse, the people are unsure of him. Too many people want the throne, and treachery is everywhere. Paperback. $19.61 11 Used from $18.65 9 New from $18.84. Mass Market Paperback. $36.42 8 Used from $6.99 3 New from $34.94. Enhance your purchase. The newly crowned King Arthur has yet to win the support of the people. Merlin must do something before the king is betrayed, or murdered, or--worst of all--gets married. Authors: Yolen, Jane. Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur. Title: Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur. Binding: Paperback. Condition Hello Select your address Books
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