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i Identify the components and their functions of the front and rear suspension systems. i Explain how changes in wheels and tires affect the suspension. i The suspension system of a vehicle refers to the group of mechanical components that connect the wheels to the frame or body. A great deal of engineering PDF Automobile Engineering Lecture Notes-4 to final year. Car suspension model Mass spring viscous damper system Model. Force balance. Systems Analysis and Suspension System. Non-linear Asymmetrical shock. Absorber. Vehicle Dynamics Term Project. Advisor: Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey.Syllabus: Road irregularities and need of suspension system, Types of suspension system,. Sprung and unsprung mass, Suspension springs – requirements, this requires the suspension geometry to be designed to resist squat, dive and roll of the vehicle body. • To provide isolation from high frequency Pdf Description. Page 2 : SUSPENSION SYSTEM, Defination - The suspension system of an automobile is one which separates the wheel/axle Assembly, Introduction to suspension system. ❑The suspension system of an automobile is one which separates the wheel/axle Assembly from the body.
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