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The Structure of Foreign Trade Elhanan Helpman W orld merchandise exports amounted to $5.3 trillion in 1997 and exports of commercial services amounted to $1.3 trillion. These are unprece-dented volumes that have expanded much faster than income in the postwar period. Figure 1 presents long-term trends in the real volumes of merchan-dise trade and output. Foreign trade in India comprises of all imports and exports to and from India. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry at the level of Central Government has responsibility to manage such operations. The domestic production reveals on exports and imports of the country. The production consecutively depends on endowment of factor availability. The aim of this paper is to investigate how the trade structure of India's industry has responded to the liberalization that took off in the early 1990s. This paper assesses the evolution of the country's revealed compared advantage (RCA), or trade specialization, computed on the basis of detailed merchandise trade flow data. India's trade 3. Foreign trade enables the transmission of technical know-how, skills, and managerial talents to the developing countries. India's Trade Strategy of Import Substitution: As we began our planning for development, the two options were open to us with regard to our foreign trade policy. 1. Organizational Structure and Functions 2. Global Economic and Trade Situation 3. Trends in India's Foreign Trade 4. Foreign Trade Policy, EXIM Trade and Major Schemes 5. Export Promotion Mechanism 6. Commercial Relation, Trade Agreements and International Trade Organizations 7. Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Export Oriented Units (EOUs) 8. Even before independence, the Government of India maintained semi-autonomous diplomatic relations. It had colonies (such as the Aden Settlement ), who sent and received full missions, [3] and was a founder member of both the League of Nations [4] and the United Nations. [5] After India gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, it soon joined the Commonwealth of Nations and strongly supported independence movements in other colonies, like the Indonesian National Revolution. [6] Structure. 0b Introduction Foreign Trade and Development- Trends in India's Foreign Trade Composition of Foreign Trade 1.4 Composition of Exports 1.4 Colnposition of llnports Direction of Foreign Trade I 3 Direction of Exports 1.5 Direction of llnports Major Problems of India's Export Sector Let Us Sum Up Key Words. Answers to Check Your Progress. During the last 25 years, India's exports have increased more than 17 times, from US$ 18.1 billion in 1990-91 to US$ 309 billion in 2014-15, and India's imports have increased 19 times, from US$ 23.5 billion in 1990-91 to US$ 447 billion in 2014-15. India's share in global exports has moved up from mere 0.6 percent Composition of India's Foreign Trade: Since independence, composition of export trade of India has undergone a change. Prior to independence, India used to export agricultural products and raw The rules, regulations and procedures involved in foreign trade are so complicated that there is a need to take th
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