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INTRODUCTORY ECONOMICS. Paperback – January 1, 1969 ; by G.F. Stanlake (Author) ; Language. English ; Publisher. Longmans ; Tell the Publisher! I'd like to read Stanlake's Introductory Economics offers you an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems and a clear explanation of the principles underlying Stanlake's Introductory Economics offers you an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems and a clear explanation of the principles underlying Stanlake's Introductory Economics offers you an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems and a clear explanation of the principles underlying Stanlake's Introductory Economics presents an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems, and a clear explanation of the principles underlying Stanlake's Introductory Economics and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com. Introductory Economics book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers.Stanlake's Introductory Economics offers you an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems and a clear explanation of the principles underlying Stanlake's Introductory Economics offers you an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems and a clear explanation of the principles underlying Stanlake's Introductory Economics presents an analytical approach to contemporary economic problems, and a clear explanation of the principles underlying
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