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QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR ALL SOMFY® RTS MOTORS To delete all previous settings: Using a paperclip, press and hold the PROGRAM.Pocket. Programming Guide OTHER QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDES - MOTORS The following illustrations and instructions represent the Telis. Adding a Telis 5 RTS Transmitter only: 1. Using the previously programmed Telis remote, press and hold the programming button on back of remote until window. QUICK PROGRAMMING GUIDE FOR ALL SOMFY®. RTS MOTORS. INCLUDES USER PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS AND INSTALLER INSTRUCTIONS. WARNING. STEP 5. Press and hold the PROGRAM button on the back of the transmitter until the motor jogs. The buttons no longer have to be held for the motor to run. Somfy RTS MAESTRIA™ Programming Instructions. The following instructions work for the Somfy Telis and DecoFlex RTS motors and remotes. The.
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