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Silent Depth doesn't have short missions, just one long war patrol. Play starts with the craft leaving Midway where players can opt to manually conn their Deutsche Anleitung (German Manual) for Silent Depth here: silentdepth.com/Silent_Depth_Manual_En.pdf. Silent Depth is a 3D Submarine Simulation game for your smartphone or tablet! Deutsche Anleitung (German Manual) for Silent Depth here: Welcome to Silent Depth, the submarine simulation playing in World War II. Service and fulfill your taks in the silent depths of the Pacific. Manual: Welcome to Silent Depth, the first real 3d submarine simulation for mobile devices. Being a member of the Silent Service of the US Navy you take command of Welcome to Silent Depth, the first real 3d submarine simulation for mobile devices. Being a member of the Silent Service of the US Navy you take command of
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