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For R-890N(S)/(W): Allow a space of at least 40cm on the top, 5cm on both sides and at the rear of the oven for adequate air circulation. OPERATION MANUAL. This operation manual contains important information which you should read carefully before using your microwave oven. IMPORTANT:. OPERATION MANUAL. A N D. COOKBOOK. TM. DOUBLE GRILL CONVECTION. MICROWAVE OVEN. SCA/SCNZ R890N O/M,Cover 3. MODELS. R-890N(S)/(W). J. 08.3.11, 1:13 PM User manual Microwave for Sharp R890EW. Table of contents. Warranty; Introduction; Warning; Special Notes; Installation Instructions; Oven Diagram User manual for the Sharp R-890 in Dutch. This PDF manual has 336 pages. View a manual of the Sharp R-890 below. All manuals on ManualsCat.com can be viewed Sharp R-890SLM Operation Manual With Cookbook 70 pages The maximum leakage permitted in BS EN 60335-2-25 is 50W/m (equivalent to 5W/m ), however it is R890S 4. 1.88 MB. Download. R890S 17. R890S 17 R890S 13. R890S 13. 6.68 MB. Download. R890S 9. R890S 9. 10.83 MB Operation Manual R-890S. 32.12 MB.OPERATION MANUAL WITH COOKING GUIDE. Read all instructions carefully before using the oven. ®. R-890E (W). Convection Microwave Oven with grill. R-890E (ST).
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