Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
1. General Information Location: RIO DE JANEIRO BRA ICAO/IATA: SBGL / GIG Lat/Long: S22° 48.60', W043° 15.03' Elevation: 28 ft Airport Use: Joint-Use Daylight Savings: Observed UTC Conversion: +3:00 = UTC Magnetic Variation: 23.0° W Fuel Types: Jet Customs: Yes Airport Type: IFR Landing Fee: No Control Tower: Yes Jet Start Unit: No LLWS Alert: No Beacon: Yes Sunrise: 0830 Z Sunset: 2142 Z These charts compare the reported data from SBRJ with the predicted data for that location for 2022-Apr-04. The predicted data comes from the surrounding stations -- some of which are listed below. You can also see how SBRJ compares with the other sites in the CWOP network. The target quality is also shown. By browsing our site you agree to our use of cookies. If you do not agree to this please leave our website now! You will only see this message once. Aerodrome Chart - SBGR. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 1. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 2. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 3. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 4. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 5. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 6. Ground Movement Chart SBGR 7. Parking/Docking Chart 1 SBGR. 4341 x 138, 02R/20L. Runway Surface. Asphalt. PCN. INTERNATIONAL. Local Standard Time. 4:00:09 AM. More Airport Information (Click to expand) Runway Diagram. SBRJ. Santos-Dumont Airport/Rio de Janeiro (IATA: SDU, ICAO: SBRJ) Santos Dumont Airport (IATA: SDU - ICAO: SBRJ) is a central airport located close to the financial center of Rio de Janeiro operating domestic flights. Built in the 30s on top of a embankment at Guanabara Bay, Santos Dumont airport was the first civil airport opened in Brazil. s b r 325 gnd 900 ' ag l 5500' 310 130 (287. 5 t) (107. 5 t) (mahf) evrir carta de aproxima˙ˆo por instrumentos (iac) instrument approach chart (iac) 132.65 app rio twr rio 118.70 121.50 gndc rio 121.70 rio de janeiro / santos dumont (sbrj) rnav(rnp) w rwy 02r ad elev : 10' SBRJ METAR Santos Dumont Airport Observation time: 33 min. ago SBRJ 130200Z 34003KT CAVOK 25/18 Q1015 Need help? Read our tutorial on how to read METARs or read the parsed version below. Decoded METAR Decoded TAF. Santos Dumont Airport (SBRJ) METAR. Weather conditions on Wed, 13 Jul 2022 02:00:00 +0000 (33 min. ago): View sbrj_ndb-b-rwy-02-20_iac_20201203.pdf from AEROSPACE 303 at University of Notre Dame. RIO DE JANEIRO / Santos Dumont (SBRJ) CARTA DE APROXIMA˙ˆO POR INSTRUMENTOS (IAC) NDB B RWY circular na vis (m) 5000 airac amdt 2005a1 23 apr 20 departamento de controle do espa˙o areo - comaer - brasil sbrj_iac_00i 1/2 rio de janeiro / santos dumont (sbrj) rnav (gnss) c rwy 02r app rio twr rio gndc rio 124.95 125.95 129.80 118.70 121.50 121.70 134.95 121.50 43 10 384' morro ponta 400' da areia 983' gl139 2000' v 531' 721' Notice: After 5/15/2003 0901Z this chart should not be used without first checking JeppView or NOTAMs. ATENÇÃO - ESSAS CARTAS SÃO SOMENTE PARA AVIAÇÃO VIRTUAL NÃO PODEM E NÃO DEVEM SER UTILIZADAS NA AVIAÇÃO REAL .SID. CONGONHAS. 116.9 CGO. CGO. S23 37.7 W046 39.3. D. DIADEMA. 200 DAD. DAD. S23 42.3 W046 36.1.
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