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Refer to the manual shipped with the trap. When concentrating samples in ammonium hydroxide, install the ANT100. Ammonia Neutralizing Trap. The disposableAttachments. SAVANT SC110 Speedvac Concentrator SC110A-SC210A Speedvac plus Concentrators Instructional Manual (2 MB) INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 1. 3. SCl 10 SPEEDVAC? CONCENTRATOR. SC110A/SC2 10A SPEEDVAP PLUS CONCENTRATORS. SAVANT. MC. 100. Colin Drive Holbrook. The Savant ISS110 is a high capacity DNA. SpeedVac designed for efficient processing of large batches of DNA/RNA samples. Product Features. • ETFE coated vacuum This instruction manual contains an explicit operating sequence (see section 3.4. SPEEDVACo SC110 OPERATION) that the user must follow to ensure vacuum is INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1 3 SCl 10 SPEEDVAC? 1.0 DESCRIPTION The Savant SC 110 SpeedVae and SC110A/SC2 10A SpeecTVae Plus centrifugal vacuum concentrators
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