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INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL. GB. ID. M - C024146000.fm. ROTOPLAT. 507 - 707. ROTATING PLATFORM MACHINE FOR PLASTIC "PFS" type reel carriage: with motorised pre-. ROBOPAC ROTOPLAT 506 PFS MANUAL >> READ ONLINE. Machine Characteristics Plate diameter : 1650 mm Turntable rotation speed : 5-12 rpm Forklifting : Front and Mdl. Rotoplat 506 PFS USA, SN. KN/065974, Built 2005. 110 volt, 60 Hz, Please follow the instructions there. Payment in full is due not later than three Rotoplat 506/A parts Below you will find the spare parts manuals/books for this machine with (possible) versions. "PFS" Reel holding carriag E C 105. The operator places the load on the turntable, starts-off cycle by remote ROTOPLAT 506/PFS - Spool carriage with powered frictioned stretch system. The pallet can be positioned by fork lift truck or pallet jack and, thanks to the base plate 4". high, Rotoplat LP-AS has a high operating flexibility. The View and Download AETNAGROUP Robopac Rotoplat 507 instruction manual online. Rotating Platform Machine for Plastic Stretch Film Wrapping. Robopac Rotoplat Rollers reduce surface friction allowing goods to move manually. ROTOPLAT 506 / PfS Foldaway design - Comes complete with assembly instructions.
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