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Jun 29, 2016 — RENEWING TEACHING PRACTICES: DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION. IN THE COLLEGE CLASSROOM. Wendy L. McCarty. Sherry R. Crow. Grace A. Mims. Jun 5, 2020 — Process – Teachers differentiate their instruction when they work one-on-one with a student needing extra help, or pull a small group. Even Integrated Classroom; Integrated Curriculum; iPads in the Classroom; Learning Strategies for the 21st century; Preparing Students for College and CareersRenewing teaching practices: Differentiated instruction in the college classroom. Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education, 1(1). by W McCarty · 2016 · Cited by 16 — The focus for the initiative was differentiated instruction (DI), a promising approach for elevating college student engagement and learning. The initiative by WD Turner · 2017 · Cited by 45 — While differentiated instruction (i.e., tailoring instruction to each student's learning style, readiness level, and interest) has been applied with success to. Although students have returned to the classroom, teachers may use hybrid instructional strategies to maintain consistency in learning and provide independent by A Danley · 2020 · Cited by 7 — While research reports positive results for differentiating instruction in the secondary classroom, limited research exists on the implementation in the college. by FA Dixon · 2014 · Cited by 740 — as a way to explain teacher willingness to differentiate instruction. We found that a fessional development into practice in the classroom.
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