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In Japanese esoteric ritual manuals, it is explained that "having gained ritualized union with the deity, the practitioner attains the empowerment of kaji (kajiThis document gives instructions for performing what is probably the most popular of several versions of the recently 'rediscovered' reiju empowerment These PDFs will guide you, step-by-step, in the process of giving Reiki Reiju Empowerment and Western Attunements. The PDFs contain clear and concise Reiju Reiki Attunement Procedure - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), The Universal Orb Empowerment Amador's Reiki Master Training Manual. Download: Reiju empowerment manual Read Online: Reiju empowerment manual &nb powered by Peatix : More than a ticket. Reiju empowerment is an offer of spiritual energy. Receive Attunement chi ball, Manual English language, lineage. Add to Cart. Add to Cart. Transcript of Reiki attunement reiju - · PDF fileJames Deacon's REIKI In Reiki terminology, 'empowerment' and 'attunement' used to mean the same thing:.
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