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RB Model detail set in scale 1:35, 35B41 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | T-54. New matal gun barrel. 35B20T: 8.8cm KwK 43/2 L/71 (1:35) Tiger B (Porshe turm) for Takom models · Back in stock: 35B16: 12,8cm PaK 44/2 L/55 (1:35) Barrel for Barrels for military wehicle in 1:35 scale. material: aluminium & brass. photo, description, #, EUR, quantity. 8.8cm KwK 36 L/56. Tiger I (early model). This barrel is going to be used on the Trumpeter version of the AS90, however is being addressed and instructions will be available on the JB Model.eu
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