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Laruelle's first book Phenomenon and Difference: An Essay on Ravaisson's Ontology (1971) is unanimously overlooked as having little relevance to his later non-philosophy. On the contrary, this paper analyses Laruelle's dissertation and Ravaisson's writings to show how Ravaisson enables Laruelle to develop non-philosophy's three central ideas of decision, radical immanence, and cloning. consequences from Ravaisson's analysis: if quantification is spatialisation, and if time is different to space, th en time ―in its primitive, original form named 'duration'―must somehow be irreducible to quantification. Lovejoy's analysis is important, but he does not refer to the principal concern of Ravaisson's text, namely . habit Félix Ravaisson was among the most important and influential philosophers in France in the 19th century. This timely volume fills a significant gap in 19th century philosophical scholarship by presenting English translations, most for the first time, including his brilliant doctoral thesis Of Habit as well as essays on art and art history, archaeology, pedagogy, and the history of religions. But Ravaisson, Sinclair proposes, also challenges the contemporary metaphysics of powers by insisting on the radically indeterminate nature of inclination and tendency. Where Anjum and Mumford think of tendency in terms of purpose, and so, in the end, as a form of necessitation, Ravaisson's analysis leads him to a different conclusion. The article focuses on the work of Ravaisson, Bergson and Deleuze, who understand habit as fundamentally creative and addressed to the future rather than consolidating the past. Habit, within this tradition, is the opening of materiality to the forms of engagement required by life, and the modification of life imposed by the requirements of a material universe. The article focuses on the work of Ravaisson, Bergson and Deleuze, who understand habit as fundamentally creative and addressed to the future rather than consolidating the past. Habit, within this tradition, is the opening of materiality to the forms of engagement required by life, and the modification of life imposed by the requirements of a material universe. Interpretation. The fine marble statue arrived in Paris by February 1821 CE, where it has received pride of place to this day in the Louvre and came to be known worldwide as the "Vénus de Milo."For, she was immediately identified as "Venus Victrix" (the victorious Aphrodite), hailed as a masterpiece of Classical Greek art, and attributed by the museum's director, Auguste de Forbin, to On this secondary thesis and its relation to Ravaisson's work on Aristotle, see Dopp, Félix Ravaisson, pp.221-4, and Alain Petit, 'Le Symptôme Speusippe: le spectre de l'émanatisme dans la pensée métaphysique de Ravaisson', Cahiers Philosophiques 129/2 (2012) 57-65. ¹⁶ This text, and all of the remaining texts mentioned in this paragraph, are available in Félix Ravaisson Ravaisson soutient sa thèse de doctorat Sur l'Habitude en 1837, elle est publiée en 1838 12. Il s'agit d'une réflexion sur la question philosophique de la nature en général appréhendée à partir d'un phénomène concret : notre manière d'être quand nous contractons une habitude. Firstly, Laruelle inherits Ravaisson's critique of Platonism and anti-Platonism as dividing t
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