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Pumpsmart vfd manuals
















The PS220 drive is a microprocessor based Direct Torque Controlled (DTC) adjustable speed AC drive. Pump specific algorithms combined with the advantage of sophisticated high-performance control of AC motors make it the ultimate variable speed drive solution for any pumping application. BROCHURE IOM MANUAL ABOUT THE MANUFACTURER Hardware Manual. • Read the software function specific warnings and notes before changing the default settings of a function. For each fu nction, the warnings and notes are given in this manual in the subsection describing the related user-adjustable parameters. Reader The reader of the manual is expected to know the standard electrical wiring You can browse the library or enter selection criteria, for example a document code, in the search field. For manuals not available in the Document library, contact your local ABB representative Code (English) ACS250 user's manual for 600V variants 3AUA0000138354 Empower your business with profitable efficiency. You base your business on efficiency and performance. You know that everything counts to make you more competitive. Our drives are made with all this in mind, empowering productivity and efficiency. They provide flexibility to help you optimize your processes and control, and reliable for less VFDs transform electrical power to usable power for a pump's electrical motor. Their purpose is to convert a static voltage—standard North American supply voltage is 460 V at 60 Hz AC—into variable voltages and frequencies, matching the speed of an equipment motor to the needs of an application. By using VFD controls, plant operators have the ability to more accurately control the pump and impeller speed at a varied rate, allowing the pump/motor output to match the system requirement for improved pump performance based on varying load demands. These MV controls also allow the integration of logic and respond, when valves are opening or Parameterlisting..136 1Actualvalues..136 Themotor data will allow the PumpSmart drive tocharacterize the motor prior to its first startup. During characterization, PumpSmart willautomatically magnetize the motor windingsfor 20 - 60 seconds to develop a mathematicalmodel of the motor. Entry of the followingparameters is all that is required. 9000X AF Drives 9000X AF Drives MN04001004E—May 2011 i Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are This video defines how PumpSmart is able to protect centrifugal pumps from minimum flow, deadhead and run-out flow conditions PumpSmart - Pump-Protection Watch on PumpSmart is able to derive pump flow for any centrifugal pump without the use of sensors. PumpSmart - SmartFlow Watch on Thinking about managing the operation of multiple pumps? Specific motor data must be entered into the PumpSmart drive to enable it to properly control the motor using DTC. Steps to be performed are: 1. Entering motor data for characterization 2. Identification of the Motor starting method 3. PumpSmart Control Solutions Advanced pump control protection, and optimization logic designed to prevent failures, improve pump reliability and maximize the flow economy of your process systems. C'treat Provides reliable and economical supplies of fresh water, generated from seawater using the reverse osmosis process. PumpSmart Control Solutions Advanced pump control protection, and optimization logic designed to prevent failures,


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