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Identification of vegetables & spices crops and their seeds. Nursery raising. Direct seed sowing and transplanting.Study of morphological characters ofHORT 281 Production Technology of Vegetables and Spices NOTES by Dr. IVS Reddy v Dean (Revised ) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or 3. Brief about the origin, area, climate, soil, improved varieties, and cultivation practices such as a time of sowing, sowing, transplanting techniques The knowledge of different plant parts serve as the foundation for identifying the vegetable crop plants at different growth stages. In this practical you will Thus olericulture means cultivation of pot herbs. However, in the present days, it is bradly used to indicate the cultivation of vegetables. The term. Cultivation of new vegetable like gherkin, baby corn, sweet corn, broccoli, Brussels sprouts,. Chinese cabbage, asparagus, celery and parsley is one the rise Leafy vegetables – Amaranthus, Palak introduction – importance – varieties – climate and soil – seeds and sowing – manuring – irrigation – intercultivation –
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