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In the above content SAS monospace font Ohas to be retained because the output is not based on a proportional font. It is nearly impossible to perform any post editing without compromising partial or even the entire figure. O PROC GPLOT Gplot was then developed to plot real graphic figures beginning in V6. It obviously overcame the above mentioned weakness of Proc Plot; however, it has also be the names of the first four graphs produced by PROC GPLOT. In the interactive mode, PROC GREPLAY also presents a brief description of each graph. PROC GREPLAY can also be operated in a non-interactive mode (specify NOFS for no full-screen), using the REPLAY (replay a single graph) or TREPLAY (replay a template) statements as follows - PROC There is another very useful statement, NOTE, that writes text at a specified location within a procedure. This is not a global statement and must appear within the SAS/GRAPH PROC step in it is to be applied PROC GPLOT SYNTAX The basic syntax of PROC GPLOT is as follows: PROC GPLOT options; PLOT x * y /options; RUN; The %INC statement compiles the template that PROC SGPLOT wrote. PROC TEMPLATE along with the SOURCE statement displays template source code. The FILE= option writes that source code to a file. This code is indented. You can edit this code with an editor. You can instead edit either the original or the indented file by using a DATA step. 以下gplot程序生成许多图形 按不同的产品给出销售 。 假设我的产品有 沙发 , 床 , 椅子 ,它将给出 个图形,一个用于沙发,一个用于椅子,一个用于床。 我想将所有三个图形生成为输出到一个pdf文件。 我尝试了以下操作,但它仅保留生成的最后一个图形。 few possible values. None of the output suggests a big difference between the scores for the three treatments. proc boxplot data = reading; plot score * group; proc gplot data = reading; plot score * group; proc means data = reading; var score; by group; run; Next fit a one-way analysis of variance model using proc glm. First we must tell SAS SAS/GRAPH Concepts. Generating Output with SAS/GRAPH. Controlling the Appearance of Your Output. Statements Used by SAS/GRAPH. Options Used by SAS/GRAPH. The Annotate Facility. SAS/GRAPH Procedures. SAS Mapping Procedures. GANNO Procedure. procedure uses the most recently created SAS data set. See also: "SAS Data Sets "on page 25 and About the Input Data Set on page 806 GOUT=< libref.>output-catalog specifies the SAS catalog in which to save the graphics output that is produced by the GPLOT procedure. If you omit the libref, SAS/GRAPH looks for the catalog in See also: The program below generates a three-series plot using the GPLOT procedure. If you observe, this GPLOT procedure produces the same output as the SGPLOT procedure. But the clarity in presentation is much better in the SGPLOT versus the GPLOT. In this example, you can see that the features such as style, color, and patterns are defined in the You can use ODS PDF destination to get PDF graphs, RTF destination to get graphs in EMF format or HTML5 destination with OUTPUTFMT=SVG to get scalable graphs in the HTML5 format. You can render in PDF, EMF or SVG formats as individual files by using the LISTING destination with the appropriate OUTPUTFMT. proc ttest data=angrist; class small; var read; where size=40 | size = 41; run;
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