Komunita obyvateľov a sympatizantov obce Chorvátsky Grob
NEN-ISO 13789 January 1, 1994 Thermal performance of buildings - Specific transmission heat loss - Calculation methods 89/106/EEG - Richtlijn van de Raad van 21 december 1988 betreffende de onderlinge aanpassing van de wettelijke en bestuursrechtelijke bepalingen der Lid-Staten inzake voor de bouw bestemde produkten. Published by NEN on ISO 13789: Thermal Performance of Buildings - Transmission and Ventilation Heat Transfer Coefficients - Calculation Method pdf Download File Size 491.88 KB. Year 2017. Number of Pages 36. Publisher ISO. Samples. Description Table Of Content This document specifies a method and provides conventions for the calculation of the steady‐state Robinetterie industrielle - Robinets à soupape en fonte Industrial valves - Cast iron globe valves 23.060.10 Zapirni ventili (kroglasti) Globe valves ICS: Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 13789:2010 SIST EN 13789:2011 en,fr,de 01-junij-2011 SIST EN 13789:2011 SLOVENSKI STANDARD SIST EN 13789:2003 1DGRPHãþD ˘ BS EN 13789:2010 Industrial valves. Cast iron globe valves (British Standard) PN 6; PN 10; PN 16; PN 25; PN 40; d) for threaded end valves: PN 6; PN 10; PN 16. Documents sold on the ANSI Webstore are in electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF format, however some ISO and IEC standards are available from Amazon in hard copy format. EN . français; русский Now withdrawn ISO 13789:1999 Revised by ISO 13789:2007; Got a question? Check out our FAQs. Customer care +41 22 749 08 88. customerservice@iso.org. Opening hours: Monday to Friday - 09:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00 (UTC+1) Keep up to date with ISO. LPG EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES - SPECIFICATION AND TESTING FOR LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) PRESSURE VESSEL VALVES AND FITTINGS. 11/30243885 DC : 0. BS EN 13774 - VALVES FOR GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS WITH MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 16 BAR - PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS. 10/30218988 DC : 0. DIN EN ISO 13789:2008 DE Wärmetechnisches Verhalten von Gebäuden - Spezifischer Transmissions- und Lüftungswärmedurchgangskoeffizient - Berechnungsverfahren (ISO DS/EN ISO 13789:2017 Thermal performance of buildings - Transmission and ventilation heat transfer coefficients - Calculation method (ISO 13789:2017) PDF PDF Language . Number of devices . Price: € 86.05. Price: € 86.05. Add to cart Add to cart Continue shopping DIN EN ISO 13789 Thermal performance of buildings - Transmission and ventilation heat transfer coefficients - Calculation method (ISO 13789:2017) In order to read a Secure PDF, you will need to install the FileOpen Plug-In on your computer. The FileOpen Plug-In works with Adobe Reader and other viewers. Visit FileOpen to see the full list Buy EN ISO 13789 : 2017 THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS - TRANSMISSION AND VENTILATION HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENTS - CALCULATION METHOD (ISO 13789:2017) from NSAI ISO 13789:2007, ISO 13789:2007 Product Code(s): 30115305, 30115305, 30115305 Document History. BS EN ISO 13789:2017. August 2017 Thermal performance of buildings. Transmission and ventilation heat transfer coefficients. Calculation method BS EN ISO 13789: Thermal Performance of Buildings - Transmission and Ventilation Heat Transfer Coefficients - Calculation Method pdf Download File Size 2.16 MB. Year 2017. Number of Pages 42. Publisher BSI. Samples. Description BS EN ISO 13789: Thermal Performance of Buildings - Transmission and Ventilation Heat Transfer Coefficients - Calculation Method pdf Download File Size 2.16 MB. Year 2017. Number of Pages 42. Publisher BSI. Samples.
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