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See La Trobe University Handbook for more details. The Handbook contains detailed course information designed for enrolled students, BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (HONOURS). (SHPB - BENDIGO) 2020. The below guide is for a full time load of study and should be used in conjunction with the By studying pharmacy, you can develop skills in drug development, action and use, medication review, counselling and communication. STUDY PLAN GUIDE. BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (HONOURS). (SHPB - BENDIGO) 2018. The below guide is for a full time load of study and should be used in conjunction China David A. Winkler La Trobe Institute for Molecular Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia; Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, University of Kansas, Austria Adam J. Lawther School of Psychology and Public Health, La TrobeSTUDY PLAN GUIDE. BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (HONOURS). (SHPB - BENDIGO) 2021. The below guide is for a full time load of study and should be used in conjunction STUDY PLAN GUIDE. BACHELOR OF PHARMACY (HONOURS). (SHPB - BENDIGO) 2019. The below guide is for a full time load of study and should be used in conjunction

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