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PC Maintenance Run anti-virus scan on a daily basis. Check for updates to anti-virus and anti-spyware software for the latest virus definitions, and run a scan. Make a backup copy of all critical data. Check that you have enough free disk space. Remove any applications you don't need. Use a clean up tool to clear out cached and temporary files. Remove unnecessary startup programs. Periodically 1. Right-click on the desktop and select Properties. 2. Click the Settings tab. 3. Drag the Screen resolution slider to the left (It's called Screen areain Windows 98). 4. Click Apply to see if this new setting is adequate. 5. If not, try another setting. If so, click OK. If that's not enough, buy a bigger monitor. h. 7) Accurately trouble-shoot most typical kinds of hardware failures in an IBM-class PC when presented with a faulty PC. 8) Identify the components needed to convert a PC into a "Multimedia PC", and understand how CD-ROM, sound card, and Multimedia technology works. Hardware Maintenance. Turn your PC off and unplug it. Open up the case of your PC. Use canned air to blow away the accumulated dirt and dust. Be sure to blow the dust out from a variety of angles, to be sure you clean out the hidden areas. Remove dust from all fans. To loosen debris and grime use foam rubber swabs. A computer maintenance checklist is a tool that IT professionals and managers can use to regularly and proactively check if computer hardware is in need of cleaning, repair, or replacement, and software is updated. Computer maintenance checklists can also serve as a guide to ensure that maintenance tasks are done accordingly to SOP. Basic Computer Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide 3 Step One: Disable System Restore 4 Basic Computer Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide 3. In this next screen that pops up, you will need to select the SYSTEM RESTOREtab 4. When you get to the next screen, click in the check box beside TURN OFF SYSTEM RESTORE ON ALL DRIVES. Le client pourra régler par chèque. Le client devra le libeller à l'ordre de Cool mon PC et l'envoyer à l'adresse suivante : Cool mon PC - 9 rue Alfred Grenet 89510 Véron. Le paiement par chèque se fait par règlement net et sans escompte à la date de signature accompagnée de la version papier du contrat en cause. ARTICLE 5 Computer maintenance is conducted by it professionals and managers to help ensure the continuous and optimal working condition of computers. use this digitized computer maintenance checklists to inspect if the computer's hardware needs cleaning, repair, or replacement, and check if the software and security features are updated and running. Cet ouvrage, avant tout destiné à un public averti, sera également une source précieuse d'informations pour ceux que l'on nomme les « correspondants micro-informatique » qui, dans les entreprises, s'occupent du dépannage de premier niveau, de la maintenance et de la mise à niveau des parcs informatiques. de pC 6e édition apprendre à Configurer, upgrader et dépanner un pC sous WindoWs Vous souhaitez vous initier au métier de technicien de maintenance, de «correspondant micro » ou de responsable de parc de PC. Ou tout simplement être capable d'upgrader et de dépanner votre PC person-nel sans aide ex
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