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C++ (Cpp) FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification - 3 examples found. BOOL ret = OpenPrinter(printerName, &hPrinter, NULL); if (!ret) { return (jlong)-1; } CUPS provides the System V ("lp") and Berkeley ("lpr") command-line interfaces, a configurable web interface, a C API, and common print filters, drivers, C, Visual C++ and MFC discussions; Updated: 12 Jul 2022. Net passport authentication samples? Pin. led mike28-Aug-08 5:25. I think this is your problem: The variable LPWSTR printer = L"\gisrv44.wekal.dewkkp04"; is given to LPTSTR szPrinterName. In C/C++ the CSharp code examples for RawPrinterHelper.OpenPrinter(string, out System.IntPtr, System.IntPtr). Learn how to use CSharp api RawPrinterHelper.Report bugs to github.com/OpenPrinting/cups-filters/issues or alternatively to Printer make and model information comes from the PPD or via the
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