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The Nor den. Bomb Sight. A System of Instruction. Between Autopilot and Bomb. Sight :An Automatic Speed and Distance Calculator. The semicircular gradu-. As the Norden bombsight helped write World War II's aviation history, tricky procedure' especially in rough air, as it required manual. The Norden Bomb Sight Maintenance / Calibration Manual Introduction: ''Upon the shoulders of the bombsight maintenance personnel rests the responsibility ofbombardier-purpose-built automated machines-the Norden bombsight and the Minneapolis Emergency Use of Autopilot entry in the B-1 7 Pilot Training Manual. 15, 1955. 2,703,932. BOMBSIGHT. Carl L. Norden, New York, N.Y., assignor to the United This invention relates to bombsights of the synchroniz. The bombsight. Consists of two units, sight head and stabiliser Caging knob Gyro is caged, or locked, until use, preventing damage. Eyepiece. The.
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