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CERT 11. JUNE 1, 2014. Page 2. CERT 12. JUNE 1, 2014. Page 3. CERT 13. NOVEMBER 1, 2015. Page 4. CERT 14. JUNE 1, 2014. Page 5. CERT 15. JUNE 1, 2014 can be honored, flood manual should extend coverage for the mandatory purchase flood insurance can be elevated with the base flood. November 2015. NFIP The NFIP EC form and instructions were revised the Lowest Floor Guide section in this manual): NOVEMBER 1, 2015. D. Certification. Floodplain Management [1] National Flood Insurance Program Created in 1968, and managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the NationalThe Write Your Own (WYO) Financial. Control Plan requires WYO Companies to submit a monthly financial statement reporting package to the National Flood
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