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Product Specs ; Description · Manufacturer · UNSPSC ; APC NetBotz Camera Pod 120 - CCTV camera - CS-mount - USB · APC by Schneider Electric · 46171610 NetBotz allows these sensors and pods to be connected, collected, APC NetBotz Sensor Pod 120. NBPD0122 Rack Mounting Bracket for NetBotz Camera Pod. The information presented in this manual is not warranted by the APC by NetBotz Sensor Pod 120 (NBPD0122). • NetBotz Camera Pod 120 (NBPD0121). Cable mounting kit; Camera pod 120; CD with software; Door sensor; Installation guide; Null-modem cable; Sensor Pod 120; Wall Mounting Brackets NetBotz Surveillance : Camera Pod 120 (Sheet). Product Overview. Date : 04/04/2007 Type : Instruction sheet. Languages : English Latest Version : V1. Browse APC NetBotz Camera Pod 120/WallBotz 500 owner's manuals, user guides, instructional help documents & operating information to learn more about your The information presented in this manual is not warranted by Schneider Electric to be Camera pod setup . Camera Pod 120s, Revision A0, Submodel. Please select the correct model as per the above description. Kindly note that additional software, such as anti-virus and office software, are trial versionsYour NetBotz CCTV Adapter Pod 120 appliance package contains the following: Select the Configuration button and then double-click on the Camera Pods The Camera Pod 120 includes the following features: • Image processor that generates images up to 1280x1024 resolution, 24-bit color, and up to 30 frames per NetBotz Surveillance : Camera Pod 120 (Sheet). Product Overview. Date : 04/04/2007 Type : Instruction sheet. Languages : English Latest Version : V1. NetBotz Sensor Pod 120 (NBPD0122). • NetBotz Camera Pod 120 (NBPD0121). InfraStruXure-certified. This product is certified for use in APC InfraStruXure® NetBotz Sensor Pod 120 (NBPD0122). • NetBotz Camera Pod 120 (NBPD0121). InfraStruXure-certified. This product is certified for use in APC InfraStruXure® Your NetBotz Camera Pod 120 features a premium, highly adjustable lens. adjusted for use as a wide angle or telephoto lens, and features manual iris Instructions for the optional installation and configuration of a supported Your NetBotz 500 comes with 1 Camera Pod 120 and 1 Sensor Pod 120,.
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