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Msr126.1t manual
















The MSR126R and MSR126.1R are designed for applications where a monitored manual reset is required. Monitored manual reset requires the use of a momentary normally open switch to activate the outputs. The MSR126T and MSR126.1T are designed for applications where automatic/manual reset is required. SAFETY RELAY TYPE MSR126.1T AUTOMATIC/MANUAL RESET 24 VAC/DC SUPPLY 50/60 HZ 4 WATT OUTPUT AC15 250V 6 AMP DC13 24V 3 AMP 2 N/O FACTORY WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY. RADWELL 2-YEAR WARRANTY INCLUDED Radwell's 2 Year Warranty Radwell provides a 2-year warranty on every item we sell and repair. Safety Relay,MSR126.1T,115VAC,Automatic/Manual,Fixed,22.5MM Housing Width,Infinite,One 2 N.C. Input,One LC Input,2 Safety Output,CAT 4 Rated MSR126.1T,24V AC/DC,Auto/Manual Safety R 440R Single Function Safety Relays, Dual Channel N/A, 2 N.O. 24V DC, Fixed, Automatic/Manual Reset Price Per 1 £117.33 | £99.73 Discount: 15% Routeco stock: 0 - Add to basket Pricing/Availability request. Please login or register for trade pricing. 440R-N23113 Safety Systems from ALLEN BRADLEY 2-Year Warranty, Radwell Repairs - SAFETY RELAY, TYPE MSR126.1T, AUTOMATIC/MANUAL RESET, 115VAC SUPPLY, 50/60HZ, 4W 440RN23114 AB. Guardmaster MSR126.1T Safety Relay. Manufacturer: Allen-Bradley. Manufacturer part number: 440R-N23114. Estimated dates are contingent upon manufacturer stock. Please login to see accurate availability. $218.57 / EA. Description: Allen-Bradley 440R-N23114 Monitoring Safety Relay MSR126.1T Minotaur, Series A. Full Description: Allen Bradley 440R-N23114 Monitoring Safety Relay MSR126.1T Minotaur, Power Supply 24V AC/DC, Dual Channel Inputs, 2 N.O. Immediate Safety Outputs, No Auxiliary Outputs, Automatic/Manual Reset, 22.5mm Case, Fixed Terminals, Series A. Restablecimiento Monitoreado manual o Auto./Manual 5HWDUGRDODDFWLYDFLyQ 7LHPSRGHUHFXSHUDFLyQ 300 ms /100 ms Tiempo de respuesta 15 ms Salidas Contactos de seguridad 2 N.A. Doble canal 2 N.C. (MSR126.IR) 24 VCA/CC 440R-N23120 115 VCA 440R-N23119 230 VCA 440R-N23118 Dimensiones aproximadas Monitoring Safety Relays, MSR126R Datasheet, MSR126R circuit, MSR126R data sheet : ALLEN-BRADLEY, alldatasheet, Datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductors. 440R Single Function Safety Relays, 4 N.C., 2 PNP Solid State,7 N.O., , 24V DC , Removable,Configured Automatic/Manual or Manual Monitored Reset Guardmaster MSR126.1T Safety Relay -- 440R-N23113 440R Single Function Safety Relays, Dual Channel N/A,2 N.O., , 115V AC , Fixed,Automatic/Manual Reset Allen-Bradley's Guardmaster® Safety Relay family of products are designed to meet functional safety standards such as ISO 13849-1 or IEC 62061. Key functions 440R-N23114 Safety Systems from ALLEN BRADLEY 2-Year Warranty, Radwell Repairs - SAFETY RELAY, TYPE MSR126.1T, AUTOMATIC/MANUAL RESET, 24 VAC/DC SUPPLY, 50/60 HZ, 4 WATT, OUTPUT AC15, 250V, 6 AMP, DC13, 24V, 3 AMP, 2 N/O. Shop Online . Search Product. Advanced Search; Global Parts Search; Manufacturer; Popular Brands. 440R-N23114 Safety Systems from ALLEN BRADLEY 2-Year Warranty, Radwell Repairs - SAFETY RELAY, TYPE MSR126.1T, AUTOMATIC/MANUAL RESET, 24 VAC/DC SUPPLY, 50/60 HZ, 4 WATT, OUTPUT AC15, 250V, 6 AMP, DC13, 24V, 3 AMP, 2 N/O. Shop Online . Search Product. Advanced Search; Global Parts Search; Manufacturer; Popular Brands.



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