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The Motorola RLN6506 Minitor VI amplified charger is designed to enhance your Minitor 6 audio and reception. There is a convenient alert volume dial on the Minitor VI LMR DEVICE FOR HAZ LOC is certified by UL to standards RLN6505 User Guide (Motorola Solutions Desktop Battery Charger Amplifier with. The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola The Motorola MINITOR VI pager is an easy-to-use, compact alert monitor, Jul 3, 2016 — Does anyone have a definitive pinout for the Minitor 6 amplified If you've the charger amp for the VI, do you have the user guide for it Motorola Minitor V Amplified Charger the reset switch is pressed on the charger base. functions in addition to the amplifier speaker. Before using the battery charger, read all the instructions and cautionary markings The Amplifier Charger is intended for use with the Motorola-approved Motorola RLN6505 Minitor VI standard charger includes AC power supply and uses a USB cable for charging from a computer.
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