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Mosley ta-34 manual














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Mosley, "The Best Investment in Your Station"! CL-39-3 2,646.00 MY-220-9 153.60 TA-33-M-WARC 892.50 MY-430-14 162.85 TA-34-XL TA-34-XL-WARC 1,262.10 ASK According to MOSLEY the antennas of many other manufacturers are actual copies of TA-63N; TA-53M; TA-34XL; TA-34XL WARC; TA-33M; TA-33M WARC; TA-32M Our hardware is made of the best grade of stainless steel and our tubing is aircraft grade drawn aluminum. Trap Master 'TA' 5 & 6 Band Beams. Model. Frequency, EODO. DON'T EVER OPEN TRAPS AND PLACE PENETROX ON THE INSIDE OF THE TRAP! READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY! Mosley antennas go together very easily. The TA-34XL is a 4 element beam for 10, 15 and 20m with the power of a monoband antenna on 10 and 15. On 20m the "XL" still has a good gain and front/back ratio The TA-34XL is a 4 element beam for 10, 15, and 20m with the power of a monoband antenna on 10 and 15. On 20m the "XL" still has a good gain and front/backThey are inserted with the Color Code pointing into the center, toward the boom. TW-34/L. TA-34-xt.WrW. CL.33WWA<2C Tfl-<^3 M/| TA-40K (encircled in ovals) shown mounted on a TA-33. The high performance of your MOSLEY Antenna can only be achieved if the antenna is assembled in accordance Mosley TA-34-XL Manual ; Manufacturer: Mosley ; Model: TA-34-XL ; Description: 10,15,20M Beam ; Type: Assembly Manual ; Price: $11.

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